Friday, December 21, 2018

ASP.NET MVC : Anchor Tag IN MVC Razor View

In this blog we will discuss about the @HTMLHelper class and how to create the HTML Anchor by using @Html.ActionLink.

@HTMLHelper Class:

@Html is used in ASP.NET MVC to render HTML elements like TextBox, Button etc. and it binds the model object to HTML control and display the object’s value and while posting the page, it binds the control value to model object.

@Html.ActionLink Method:

HTMLHelper object has ActionLink method to render the anchor HTML element with specified link text and action name with controller.

Here is examples of Action methods:

·        @Html.ActionLink("Home""Home""Person"

Generates <a href="/Person/Home" >Home</a>

·         IF you are not passing controller, by default it will take current page controller name.


·         Action and Controller with parameter are given:

@Html.ActionLink("Home""Home""Person"new { PersonID = Model.ID}, null )

Generates <a href="../Person/Home?PersonID=1212" >Home</a>

·         Anchor with html ID

@Html.ActionLink("Home""Home""Person"new { PersonID = Model.ID}, new { id = "HomeLinkID"} )

Generates <a href="../Person/Home?PersonID=1212" id="HomeLinkID" >Home</a>

Thanks for visiting!!

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