Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Unity Container Lifetime Scope of Instance of Registered Type

In this blog, we will discuss about lifetime scope of instance of register type created by Unity Container and how to manage it

Container.RegisterInstance(typeof(ProjectEngine), new ProjectEngine ())

By default, the RegisterInstance method registers existing object instances with a container-controlled lifetime [ContainerControlledLifetimeManager] it means that unity registers an object as a singleton instance.

By default lifetime for RegisterType method is TransientLifetimeManager, which creates new object of request type for each call.

Container.RegisterType<IProjectEngine, ProjectEngine>(); 


Container.RegisterType<IProjectEngine, ProjectEngine>(new TransientLifetimeManager()); 
Unity Container have other lifetime managers so you can able to manage lifetime of created object differently.

Lifetime Manager
Unity Creates a new instance of request type for each call, when you call Resolve method
Unity creates a singleton object of request type on first call and it returns same object for subsequent Resolve call
Its same as ContainerControllerLifeTimeManager, only difference is that child and parent container creates its own singleton object and but both don’t share its singleton object
It is same as TransientLifeTimeManager but it reuse same instanced object in the recursive object graph
Unity Creates a singleton object per thread basis
It delegate to external source to manage the object and but for first resolve call, it creates object of requested type.

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