Thursday, July 6, 2017

Dependency Injection by Unity container

In this blog, we will discuss about the inversion of control (IoC) pattern and Dependency Injection and it will demonstrates how to implement dependency injection in ASP.NET Web API by using unity.

As Per Ioc Definition - a component should not depend directly upon any component rather it depends upon abstract

Dependency Injection is one way to implement of inversion of control (IoC) pattern and Dependency Injection makes component very loosely couple and loosely coupled application are easier to maintain and extend.

The Unity Container (Unity) is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container. It facilitates building loosely coupled applications and provides developers with the following advantages:

      Simplified object creation, especially for hierarchical object structures and dependencies
      Abstraction of requirements; this allows developers to specify dependencies at run time or in configuration and simplify

Basically in dependency Injection process, the Unity Container is usually used to resolve the dependencies and injects through constructor or property and we register the type in container and retrieve the object related to type from constructor

Here is an example how to use the unity container in ASP.NET Web API to resolve the controller or business object dependency and inject dependency through constructor.

Here is a Web API Controller - TulipController which depends on business object – TulipBusiness, to get tulip sales data.

public class TulipController : ApiController
        TulipBusiness _tulip;
        public TulipController()
            tulip =new TulipBusiness();        
        public decimal GetYearSales(int year)
            return _tulip.GetTulipSales(year);


First we need to create an abstract type or interface of business object - TulipBusiness and then we need to inject this abstract type into object.

public interface ITulipBusiness
        decimal GetYearSales(int year);     

public class TulipBusiness : ITulipBusiness
        public decimal GetYearSales(int year)

I modified above Web API Controller, now Web API Controller depends on interface in place of a concrete class

public class TulipController : ApiController
        ITulipBusiness _tulip;
        public TulipController(ITulipBusiness tulip)
            _tulip = tulip;        
        public decimal GetYearSales(int year)
            return _tulip.GetTulipSales(year);


and we need to define the mapping of dependency type ITulipBusiness and its class TulipBusiness in unity Container class so whenever a dependency of type ITulipBusiness is required an instance of TulipBusiness is created and is injected into the dependent type by unit container.

public class UnityConfig
        UnityContainer _container;
        public UnityContainer CurrentContainer { get { return _container; } }
        public UnityConfig()
            _container = new UnityContainer();


Now whenever TulipController object will be created, Unity will be automatically resolved dependencies and inject object.

Here is an example how to manually resolve the dependency by Unity Container:
Simply call the Resolve method of unity container to create/instantiate the TulipController and its dependency TulipBusines object,

          var controller = _container.Resolve<TulipController>();

here before instantiate the tulipController object, unity container resolve all dependencies behind scenes and it first construct a TulipBusiness object and then passes it to thee constructor of the TulipController class.

In same way you can create instance of class which implemented specific Interface type by unit container.

var tulipBusiness = _container.Resolve<ITulipBusiness>();

There are other post related to dependency injection and unity container

Thanks for Visiting!!

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