Friday, June 1, 2018

Generate WCF Proxy by using Svcutil.exe

Svcutil.exe generates the service client proxy based on the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) from the service.

Open the visual studio command prompt and run the following command

Generate WCF Proxy by using Svcutil.exe

svcutil http://localhost/MyService/Service.svc  /Language=c#   /t:Code  /out:C:\Service\ServiceProxy.cs /config:C:\Service\ServiceProxy.config

/Out                      – specifies the file name for generated service proxy class, by default it derived from WSDL, service name
/Config                 –specifies the filename for the generated service configuration file and by default its output.config
/Language          -specifies the programming language to use for service proxy code generation and by default it is C#

When you run the above command, it generates the service proxy class “ServiceProxy.cs” at C:\Service and also generate service proxy config file “ServiceProxy.config” at C:\Service

Thanks for visiting!!

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