Wednesday, May 30, 2018

ASP.NET MVC how to disable Caching

ASP.NET MVC Output Cache enables you to cache the action result content by a MVC controller action. By default MVC Output cache is enabled. So for this you don’t need to do anything, if client will send same request, browser will not forward request to MVC controller and it returns previous cached result but in few scenario, you don’t want to cache controller action result and want to disabled output caching for specific controller action.

You can use [OutputCache] attribute to disabled or enabled the browser caching for specific action or all action in controller.

·         Action Level: 
Disable output caching for specific action only

public class HomeController : Controller

[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]

public ActionResult Index(ParametersData parameters)


   return View();


·         Controller Level:
Disable output caching for all actions in controller

[OutputCache(NoStore = true, Duration = 0, VaryByParam = "*")]
public class HomeController : Controller

public ActionResult Index(ParametersData parameters)


   return View();


·         Global/Application Level
You can a add a action filer in FilterConfig.cs for disabling caching for application controllers

public class FilterConfig


        public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)


            filters.Add(new CustomHandleErrorAttribute());

            filters.Add(new OutputCacheAttribute


                VaryByParam = "*",

                Duration = 0,

                NoStore = true,




Other ASP.NET MVC related topics:
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