Friday, November 27, 2020

SQL Server - Identify unused indexes

 In this blog, we learn about the index usage information (SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATS) and analyze the index usage data (USER_SEEKS, USER_SCANS, USER_LOOKUPS, USER_UPDATES) and will identify the unused index.

Indexes help us in covering and enhancing the performance of a large number of queries that try to retrieve data from the database table and SQL Server allows us to create up to 999 Non-clustered indexes and one Clustered indexes per each table and there is a Meta data table SYS.INDEXESwhich contains one row per each index in table or view.


SQL server stores the index usage information in the system table and it provides SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATSview to access the index usage statistics information so with help of index usage information we can identify the un-used index and will remove them easily.


there are few important columns (USER_SEEKS, USER_SCANS, USER_LOOKUPS, USER_UPDATES) in SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATSthat help us to identify the bad or un-used index in table which are not being used in any query but in each update /insert operations , index data is getting updated.


·        USER_SEEKS - it stores the number of times the index is used to find a specific row.

·        USER_SCANS - it stores the number of times the leaf pages of the index are scanned.

·        USER_LOOKUPS - it stores the number of times a Clustered index is used by the Non-clustered index to fetch the full row .

·        USER_UPDATES - it stores the number of times the index data is modified


Here is a SQL query to pull the above information about the index.



       I.[NAME] AS [INDEX NAME],








      AND S.database_id=DB_ID()






As per output, the sql index OrderOrderStatusDate_IDX” is not being used but index data is modified by 28046 times. 

Saturday, October 31, 2020

SSRS : How to bold a row in RDLC report by conditionally

In this blog, we will learn how to change a row font to Bold in rdlc report on specific condition.

In daily summary leads report, I want to change total row font to Bold.



·        Select Data Row in RDLC report

SSRS RDLC Data row

·        In Property window,  expend the font property and select the FontWeight field, and select the Expression from list.

SSRS RDLC Property Font


·        In Edit Expression window, use the data set field to create a conditional statement to change row font.




SSRS RDLC Property Expression


After changes, Total row in report is bold




SQL Server - Identify unused indexes

 In this blog, we learn about the index usage information (SYS.DM_DB_INDEX_USAGE_STATS) and analyze the index usage data (USER_SEEKS, USER_S...