Friday, January 20, 2017

Custom Objects Sorting in C#

Sorting the item in collection is very easy steps, simply call Sort() method on the collection and item will be sorted .
But this Sort() method only works for primitive type of collection (example int, decimal etc.).

Here is an example of sorting a collection of integer items

 List<int> collections = new List<int> { 34, 3, 54, 5, 74, 14, 425 };

Iterates the items and see original item order

Console.WriteLine("Before Sorting");

foreach (int item in collections)


After calling sort () method on collection

 Console.WriteLine("After Sorting");
 foreach (int item in collections)


By using IComparable interface

When you want to sort the custom object, you have to implement IComparable interfere which allows custom sorting of objects when implemented. When a class implements this interface, we must add the public method CompareTo(T). We implement custom sorting for a class with IComparable.

Here is a custom object StateInfo, which uses IComparable interface for sorting:

public class StateInfo : IComparable<StateInfo>
    public string contact;
    public DateTime date;
    public string action;

    public int CompareTo(StateInfo value)

As per above code, by default sorting will be  'date' field, if you want to sorting based on contact instead of date then modify above CompareTo function code

    public int CompareTo(StateInfo value)

Main Programming Code:

private static void ArraySort()
        var _allStatInfo = new List();

        _allStatInfo.Add(new StatInfo { contact = "HCL", date = DateTime.Today, action = "PUT" });
        _allStatInfo.Add(new StatInfo { contact = "TCS", date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(3), action = "POST" });
        _allStatInfo.Add(new StatInfo { contact = "Infy", date = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-5), action = "GET" });

        _allStatInfo.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(;

        // this now sorts by date

        _allStatInfo.ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine(;


Custom Object Sort

By using Delegate to Anonymous Method: 

In C#, we can also sort the collection of custom object with help of Delegate/Anonymous method

         var arr = _allStatInfo.ToArray();
          Array.Sort(arr, delegate (StatInfo a, StatInfo b)

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