Thursday, July 20, 2017

ASP.NET MVC - View not refreshing after postback

Recently I faced a strange problem with MVC @HTMLHelper class and after post, the view is not getting updated with new data.

I have one hidden field (property name = ‘ID’ as below) on HTML Form to track the new entity or existing entity, so on basis of ID value, I need to make a call to create new entity or update the existing entity.

@using (Html.BeginForm("""", FormMethod.Post, new { @class = "form-inline" }))
    @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.ID)

But when I tried to update the recently created entity and I found that the value of ID property is 0 in model, it should hold newly created entity ID and it seems like the view model is not getting refreshed after post

I found the two possible solution to solve this view model restressed issue.

1.   Clear ModelState Value in controller:
You can clear the model state before returning model to view and ModelState.Clear() method is usually used to clear errors but it is also used to force the MVC engine to rebuild the model to be passed to your View.


2.   Second option Instead of clear of all ModelState dictionary Values and validation error message, you can only remove desired ID property /Field and MVC Engine will rebuild value only for removed property


Other ASP.NET MVC related topics:

Thanks for visiting!! 

1 comment:

Java things said...

Thank you ! You've just saved my day.
Is this an error in MVC ? I think so. Setting the model explicitly should be preferred before Viewstate in my opinion

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