Tuesday, June 27, 2017

C# Entity Framework BULK update

Entity Framework is Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) .net framework library, which is used to update, create or delete record from table. This ORM framework allows to perform bulk updates of records in efficient manner without making unnecessary database calls.

In EF, when you want to update any record, first you have to load record in memory and then you can only update the entity and in bulk update scenario, it creates extra overload on database server and also degrade performance.

In this post we will covers below points:
·          How does the entity framework work?
·          How does it impacts performance in bulk update scenario?
·          How at some level we can overcome this problem?

What is Entity Framework ?

Entity Framework definition as per MSDN:

“Entity Framework (EF) is an object-relational mapper that enables .NET developers to work with relational data using domain-specific objects”

Entity Framework works as a layer between database and business layer (application code) and entity framework maps each database table to entity class ( C# CLR class) and with help of this entity class, developer can perform SQL DML operation like create, modify and delete on mapped database table.

Single Record Update by using Entity Framework: 

Single record update in Entity framework, is very simple and straight forward
·          Open DB context
·          Load record into DB context
·          Update the record’s properties
·          Save DB Context

C#  Entity Framework single record update

Bulk Update (Multiple Record Update) by using Entity Framework: 

In bulk record update, we need to pull records, which are needed to be updated and update each record properties and at last call SaveChanges() method of DBContext to save all changes.

C#  Entity Framework BULK  update

It looks pretty and but it will generate SQL update script for each records and its known problem in Entity framework for bulk operation ( Update or Delete ) and at this time Microsoft does not have any recommended solution instead of using third party entity framework like EntityFramework.Extended.

Other Entity framework related Links:

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